
Horror Fantasy Series on Hulu Is a Secret Treat for God of War Fans

Horror Fantasy Series on Hulu Is a Secret Treat for God of War Fans

witches of east end

Interestingly, a decline in ratings was the reason the series was canceled, according to Rotten Tomatoes, Witches of East End actually did better in the second season according to the average viewer.

Season 1 had an average audience score of 83 percent and a critics score of 71 percent, while Season 2 had an audience score of 90 percent and a critics score of 60 percent.

Many people were frustrated by the cancellation of Witches of East EndAfter the announcement in 2014, a petition was circulated to renew the series, which has now reached almost 300,000 signatures.

#RenewWitchesofEastEnd became a popular tag on Twitter and even a few celebrities, such as Channing Tatum, William Shatner and Snooki, joined in, but the petitions have yet to lead to anything new.