
More than 40 people indicted Monday by Greene County grand jury –

More than 40 people indicted Monday by Greene County grand jury –

The Greene County Grand Jury earlier this week indicted more than 40 people on charges ranging from financial exploitation to evading arrest, domestic violence, driving under the influence and reckless endangerment.

Jason Gibson of South Wesleys Chapel Road was charged with home improvement service fraud after he allegedly failed to repay $8,500 to a customer under contract. The fraud allegedly occurred in March 2023 after Gibson allegedly failed to perform a substantial portion of the work requested by the customer.

Joseph R. Morgan Junior of Blountville was charged on July 18, 2022, with two counts of contributing to the dependency of a child, ages two and eight. Morgan is alleged to have possessed more than 1/2 gram of Methamphetamine. He was also charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver Methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia for possession of a pipe with intent to ingest.

Nicolas Mitchell Medcalf, of Pyburn Lane, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and falsifying a drug test after allegedly knowingly possessing a device or substance designed to falsify the results of a drug test. He was also alleged to have possessed hypodermic syringes with intent to use and introduce a substance into the human body.

Bradley C. Wilcox of Kingsport was charged with, among other things, evading arrest, resisting arrest, and public intoxication. On March 20, 2024, Wilcox allegedly fled from the Greene County Sheriff’s Department and resisted arrest by preventing officers from stopping, frisking, searching, and arresting him. Wilcox was also charged with possessing less than a half ounce of marijuana and was charged with civil possession of a narcotic drug and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

Travis Lee Matthews of Goshen Valley Road in Church Hill was charged with seven counts, including lane evasion, driving on a suspended license and speeding, following an incident on April 10, 2023. Matthews allegedly evaded arrest by police while operating a vehicle after running a traffic stop.

He allegedly created a risk of injury to bystanders, pursuing law enforcement officers, and third parties while driving on a suspended license. Matthews was reportedly speeding, traveling 81 mph in a 45 mph zone. His vehicle was also unregistered.