
Redditch students contribute to a simple life and help our planet

Redditch students contribute to a simple life and help our planet

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School in REDDITCH has won a LiveSimply award for the school’s work to provide simple, sustainable and inclusive living for the world’s poorest communities.

The award, which is presented by overseas development charity CAFOD, was presented to the school after it successfully planned and delivered faith-inspiring actions over the past three years, highlighting the importance of caring for people and the planet.

Their actions have had a positive impact on the school, in the community and even globally because they wanted to make a difference.

The school’s LiveSimply journey includes developing sustainability areas across the school, growing their own fruit and vegetables, and actively responding to the needs of the local and global community by conducting research into recycling, climate change, poverty, fair trade and the refugee crisis.

The children identified and created fundraising opportunities to support those in need. One of the activities was to create a prayer garden after a whole school design competition.

Children in Key Stage Two took part in the ‘Try Something New’ sessions, which included a sustainability project where the children focused on reusing, recycling and restoring areas around the school where this was needed.

The young people designed, cleaned up and realised a sustainable area outside the group 3 classroom.

Planters were made from recycled materials such as tires, pallets and wooden objects. Wild flowers were also planted and birdhouses were made to attract wildlife.

The school’s Eco Warriors cleaned up litter around the school. This and other activities resulted in Our Lady of Mount Carmel being awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag.

To live in solidarity with the poor, the children supported the Batchley Support Group food bank by donating food and toiletries during Advent and harvest time.

And the children held a Lenten campaign for the Basement Project and the Batchley Support Group in Bromsgrove.

The school also donated food, toiletries and bedding to Ukrainian refugees.

The Key Stage 2 chaplaincy team, representing Our Lady of Mount Carmel, said: “Working for the LiveSimply Award has helped us to take good care of our planet and all the people on it.”

Principal Michelle Woods said: “I am so proud of all the children, staff and wider school community who have fully embraced our LiveSimply journey and will continue to do so.”

Siobhan Farnell, CAFOD’s LiveSimply Coordinator for Schools, said: “Congratulations to the students and staff on achieving the LiveSimply Award.

“Their actions are wonderful examples of care for others and our common home and we wish them all the best as they continue to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity.”