
Meet Bridget Hughes and Tim O’Keefe, The Glass Gallery – Consett in Focus – Consett Magazine

Meet Bridget Hughes and Tim O’Keefe, The Glass Gallery – Consett in Focus – Consett Magazine

Stained glass has been used for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Romans and Egyptians. The origins of stained glass windows can be traced back to the 7th century in Britain. Some early examples can still be found in our churches and monasteries.

The Glass Gallery in Consett has a workshop where a variety of works in coloured glass are designed and made. Established by Maralyn O’Keefe and her husband Ron 25 years ago, they make windows for churches, fanlights, doors and windows for houses, art panels and smaller commemorative pieces for individuals.

As you can see from the photos, Bridget Hughes is now joined by Tim O’Keefe. Together they apply modern techniques to old processes to take the gallery into the future.

Watching the process of restoring a stained glass window it was remarkable to see how the techniques of those medieval craftsmen were still being used virtually unchanged. The Glass Gallery is another example of a Consett company producing work that is known around the world and we can be proud of that local connection.

Photos and story by Chris Bruce, Consett in Focus – Work and Crafts 2024